What's Your Dream Space?
As a home organizer, I see a lot of homes and work spaces. I noticed that people use their spaces mostly in ways that don’t necessarily bring them joy but that they feel are practical. It seems like only kids rooms get to be whimsical and fun - and that’s not fair. I’ll say it right now. I admit it. I’m a kid at heart and why can’t I have a teepee and fairy lights in my room?
Reasons people don’t create their own joy space: there’s not enough room, your rental limits what you can do, will your partner be ok with this space, and will your kids take it over? (That last is possible and highly likely.) So what can I do that brings me happiness and is my dream space? (Is it wrong to be selfish? I think not, lol.)
Some examples of true passion projects are:
Creating a yoga area in a spare room. It’s dedicated completely to achieving Zen.
Creating a special space to listen to your music by hanging vertical fairy lights to separate it from the rest of the room.
Creating a mini library with just a corner chair, along with your books. (Window seats or benches in a larger hallway work as well.)
One of my client’s partners would only let him keep his Lakers memorabilia collection in a closet. We displayed his collection on the walls of his closet, and he put a tv in there to watch his Lakers, win or lose. (PS: they’re winning again.)
Examples of how you can do this yourself:
Bring your happy place outside. Why not turn a balcony or patio into an ethereal meditation spot or a fairy garden? Just add potted plants and, as always, fairy lights.
Want a crafting area? It could be anywhere - we've created these in a garage, in kids’ rooms - even in a corner of the kitchen.
Maybe you create a craft cart. We love rolling carts - you can move them with you into any room and they can be a bar cart, a craft cart or your mobile home office.
One of our Influencer Clients asked us to create a Beauty cabinet for all of her products to be organized and displayed; she now calls it her “candy store”.
On a personal note, take my bathroom - I love color and my own space, so I am painting my bathroom with a rainbow mural. It’s great for me because most of the house is more generic, but I want more color.
Here are a few examples of how we have created speciality spaces for our Clients:
Use a wall to create your own office
Garage gift wrap area
Turn a closet into a game closet
Create a vanity using your walls
Here are some inexpensive products you can use to create your own dream space:
In the era of man caves and she sheds, I think it’s only fair to create your own happiness haven.
If you think you don’t have enough room to carve out a place to experience joy, create your own dream space using these creative ideas.
Whether you’re selling your home, planning on moving, or just want to do some “room twirling” to reinvigorate your home, you can still have your own dream space.