At OFab, we have extensive experience in converting or creating dedicated areas for special items or collections you want displayed.
It’s time for a refresher! In August 2023, we talked about the Basics of Organizing. This month, we will feature the foundational element of organizing: Decluttering.
OFab has always been an advocate of LGBTQ rights. In honor of Pride Month, we want to celebrate our allyship with and support for achieving equal opportunity in housing for everyone in the community.
How to go from maximalist to minimalist (or close to it)? The answer (as for most problems in life) is shelving. Shelves are your friend and will save your life.
Ok, ya’ll, we’re gonna tackle the junk in your trunk, aka your junk drawers. These are the 3 Rules of Having a Junk Drawer the OFab Way.
Many Clients reach out to us, or are referred to us by their Realtor, for help preparing their homes for sale. We love helping people this way, especially since it plays right into our Evil Plan!
While we don’t encourage using outside storage, there are a few exceptions where this kind of storage is necessary!
At OFab, we devised three new programs to help you while you’re busy out there killing it!
Like many homeowners, a more and more common question people have is, “How do I use the open shelving in my house?”
I always ask my Clients, how much is your time truly worth? OFab has a few helpful tips on how to save precious time in your home as well as for your mental health.
This month, we are excited to feature Julia Morgan, the ground-breaking female architect of the 20th Century, best known for her design of Hearst Castle.
At OFab, we recommend that you don’t pack and move everything yourself, but we can help with some tips that will save money so that instead, you can have OFab unpack your home and set it up just as you would.
OFab breaks down whether staging or having your home prepped for sale is better for sellers.
Here’s the dirty little secret of organization. Sometimes, products meant to help organize your things can just mean more countertop clutter.
If you only use your garage for parking, congratulations - that means you’re organized and have room in your house for everything. You are also a unicorn.
Studies have shown that people enjoy greater well-being from life experiences and consider them to be a better use of money.
Whether you live in an apartment or a large family home, it always seems like there’s not enough storage in the areas where you need it most.
This month, OFab is giving our stellar client a shout out! Brian T’s moving strategy for home and office is, hire OFab!
Do you need an OFab Fairy? Meet Chuck, a great friend of Jennifer Roach, founder of OFab, who called us for help.
Pets don’t lie, but their clutter sure does, and suddenly one day, you realize that those wonderful family members can create quite a mess!
What do we really, really need in order to survive and be comfortable enough to avoid a black hole of storage?
For all of our friends and family in areas directly impacted by the Los Angeles wildfires, please know that OFab will be here and eager to help, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed and distressed.